Mid-Shires’ Quires’ Day – 26th April 2025
26 April @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Join us for this popular annual event – now in its 20th glorious year! (Pre-booking essential)
Immanuel’s Ground, Warwick’s West Gallery Quire, extend a warm invitation to join
them in a day of regional West Gallery music.
The cost will be £12 per person. A book of music, and light refreshments, including a 20th anniversary celebratory cake, will be provided.
Please bring your own lunch.
The day’s singing and playing will be held at Byfield Village Hall, Northants., NN11 6UT, between 10.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.,
Doors open at 9.30 a.m.
Byfield is on the A361, midway between the M40 (Junction 11) and the M1 (Junction 16).
Numbers are limited to 60, so please book early to ensure a place, and to enable the production of music
books, return your booking form no later than 12 April 2025.
Immanuel’s Ground, Warwick’s West Gallery Quire, extend a warm invitation to join
them in a day of regional West Gallery music.
The cost will be £12 per person. A book of music, and light refreshments, including a 20th anniversary celebratory cake, will be provided.
Please bring your own lunch.
The day’s singing and playing will be held at Byfield Village Hall, Northants., NN11 6UT, between 10.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.,
Doors open at 9.30 a.m.
Byfield is on the A361, midway between the M40 (Junction 11) and the M1 (Junction 16).
Numbers are limited to 60, so please book early to ensure a place, and to enable the production of music
books, return your booking form no later than 12 April 2025.
Please complete this form MSQD 2025 Booking form and return to Sheila Macadam
Further information about the music for the day will be available late in March
A recording of last year’s event is available here